Saturday, February 8, 2020

Are L'Oréal Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Are L'Oréal Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

I have used L'Oréal Cosmetics ever since I was younger and it is a tried and true classic brand that is known and well known across the country. SO I had to find out if another classic cosmetic brand, would be Gluten Free like the other recently newer brands were?

I sent them a message on Facebook Messenger in January 2020, and this is what I got back as a reply...

I really enjoyed how the person who responded to me not only responded once, but they came BACK again and double checked for me to see that they ARE Gluten Free! I found that to be very nice of the person to do that and to inform me in the same message on the same day.

So Far L'Oréal Cosmetics seem to be the only classic brand that is Gluten Free. I will try and check out more of the classic brands to see if they too have changed with the times and have become sensitive to those who have gluten sensitivities.

If you e-mail them and get a response, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and SHARE IT WITH US💓!

And ALWAYS CHECK with your doctor about ingredients and ALWAYS double check yourself by asking that brand again! You never know if they changed it up since last I checked!


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