Sunday, February 23, 2020

Are Flower Beauty Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Are Flower Beauty Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!
Now when I think or see Flower Beauty at Target I think of Drew Barrymore and her clean, fresh, organic lifestyle. I never tried Flower Beauty but I thought for sure this line must be clean and probably Gluten Free. 

So in February 2020 I jumped online on Flower Beauty .com and contacted them on their contact area. This is what I got:

I am so disappointed in Flower Beauty cosmetics because I thought out of all the brands of cosmetics this one would be Gluten Free. But sadly Flower Beauty Cosmetics are NOT Gluten Free. 

I have a feeling though if you bring that to Drew Barrymore's attention she would consider it since her brand is based on fresh and clean makeup. 

If you e-mail them and get a response, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and SHARE IT WITH US💓!

And ALWAYS CHECK with your doctor about ingredients and ALWAYS double check yourself by asking that brand again! You never know if they changed it up since last I checked!

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