Monday, February 10, 2020

Are Kylie Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Are Kylie Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Now this brand was a BIG one for me and I had to know if the most popular cosmetic brand out is Gluten Free? Could those who have gluten sensitives and need to stay away be able to use the brand that is seen all over every social media? Is one of the most popular celebrities around, as well as the youngest billionaire a gluten free fan as well? 

I sent Kylie Cosmetics an e-mail in February 2020 and THIS is what I found out...

The youngest billionaire is a billionaire by her cosmetic brand and that brand ALSO is a fan of Gluten Free! Kylie Cosmetics as you can see in the e-mare ARE Gluten Free!

So I want to say THANK YOU KYLIE, and KYLIE Cosmetics for doing this for those of us that need to find Gluten Free cosmetic brands! This helps us more than you know.

If you e-mail them and get a response, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and SHARE IT WITH US💓!

And ALWAYS CHECK with your doctor about ingredients and ALWAYS double check yourself by asking that brand again! You never know if they changed it up since last I checked!


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