Thursday, February 13, 2020

Are Clinique Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Are Clinique Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Clinique a tried and true classic skin care brand also sell makeup cosmetics. Everyone usually speaks highly of the skin care and how great it is, but I wanted to see if the makeup they sell is Gluten Free. 

I sent them an e-mail through the contact area of the Clinique website on February 2020. And this is what they said to me below:

As you can see it is a carbon copy of the Estée Lauder e-mail I got. Turns out that Clinique is either owned or some kind of sister company. 

So Clinique is the same result as Estée Lauder, and
As you can see, they are NOT gluten free and they state that they can not even tell what products are and what are not. They have different manufactures and can not give an answer.

If you e-mail them and get a response, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and SHARE IT WITH US💓!

And ALWAYS CHECK with your doctor about ingredients and ALWAYS double check yourself by asking that brand again! You never know if they changed it up since last I checked!

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