Thursday, February 27, 2020

Are Lancôme Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

Are Lancôme Cosmetics Gluten Free? A List of Gluten Free Cosmetic Brands 2020!

I wanted to see if the cosmetic brand Lancôme that I see all over department store counters ever since I was little was Gluten Free or not! Most of the time the classic, old school type brands like this one are not. 

So in February 2020 I jumped on the Lancôme website and contacted them, this is the reply I received:

Now this reply was a bit confusing. Instead of saying a simple "yes" or "no" they gave me a definition of refinement of gluten in products, and that they have strict guideline limits on ones that are not refined etc.. 

SO for me this whole thing sounds like a NO Lancôme is NOT Gluten Free, BUT I will e-mail them again and try to get some kind of clarification with a simpler answer. 

If you e-mail them and get a response, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and SHARE IT WITH US💓!

And ALWAYS CHECK with your doctor about ingredients and ALWAYS double check yourself by asking that brand again! You never know if they changed it up since last I checked!


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