Saturday, June 11, 2011

Recent Visit to a NEW Yarn shop!

In my search for yarn yarn yarn ( I have a slight addiction ;) I found a NEW place in a VERY old place that I use to frequent often as a kid. In this plaza which held many memories for me came, has opened up a Yarn shop in it.
This place was easy to find compared to those tucked away in nooks off main roads. This yarn shop is called "ImaginKNIT" which is a pretty funny yet smart name since it sells just that ONLY items for KNITTING. I read the reviews and the store information which said it sells Knitting and Crochet supplies and yarn which is also stated on the glass window of the store. To my surprise they had 95% Knit products ( magazines, certain types of yarn, knitting needles and just about anything one would need for knitting as well as "How to Knit" classes. ONLY 5% was crochet which was ONLY a couple of crochet hooks and that was all. When I asked where is the crochet section of the store one of the two owners told me she does not crochet and this is just a knit store. Which is false advertisement and for those who crochet like myself a very big disappointment. The store was cozy not stuff like most yarn shops since mass amounts of yarn tends to give off a lot of warmth and they had a sale area which made me happy. Because good and high quality yarn = hard to find for a price lower than 10.00 at a minimum. They offer knitting classes in the middle of the tiny store and was giving one when I was looking around which I found rather distracting for those who were trying to learn how to knit. The reason being that if I was being taught and I had people walk around me talking and asking questions I would not be able to focus on the highly priced lesson I was being taught. All in all this shop would only be good for good quality brand yarns on sale! And yes I did buy a little bit to try them out. I would rate this store as a 3 out of 5. Again a huge disappointment for those who do not knit and just crochet. This is my own opinion and mine alone, because one would need to go to the store and acquire their own opinion. :)





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